Can I pack and ship my plants?
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Home » FAQs » On The Moving Day » Can I Pack and Ship my Plants?
How to Transport Plants
Moving companies have different policies on moving plants. It is of general opinion that a moving truck is not a safe place for a plant, due to lack of airflow, water and daylight. Some companies list plants as one of the prohibited items on a moving truck.
However, if you have a special connection with a certain plant and you would like to bring it to your new home, there are ways you can safely transport it. Here are a couple of tips to keep your plant safe and avoid damage during the moving process.

Tips for moving small plants
If you have smaller plants that you would like to move, pay careful attention to keeping their ceramic pots intact. Here are a couple of tips for moving small plants:
- Carefully wrap the ceramic pots, but do not wrap the plant itself
- Pack the plants last
- Keep the plants close together
If you are transporting your plants in the car, it is best to place them in the front seat, so that they can receive air conditioning or warming heat.
You can also mail your small plants to your new residence. If you are putting pots together in a box, be sure to check the “up” sign on the box to indicate that the contents are fragile and so the delivery person can take extra care with the package. A reminder: before moving, be sure to update your mailing address with the post office!

Tips for moving large plants
Similar to moving small plants, be sure to wrap the ceramic pots with extra padding so that they are not damaged during the move. A trick to avoid soil spillage during transport, is to tape cardboard over the soil around the base of the plant.
A large plant may be tilted after transportation, due to its height and width. Once you have settled into your new residence, simply replant the large plant with extra soil.
If the large plant does not fit in the front seat of a car, make sure that all other boxes in the transport vehicle are safely packed and are secure, so that they do not accidentally slide and crush the plant.
If you are transporting your plants in the car, it is best to place them in the front seat, so that they can receive air conditioning or warming heat.
Preparing your plants for transportation

The night before your scheduled move, make sure you water all plants you intend to move. A dry plant will not transport well, especially during a long-distance move and/or a move in the summer.
Prior to moving, give your plants a trim. This will help your plants conserve energy and be more space efficient during the move. Trim all dead or excess stems and leaves and the plant will thrive when it settles into its new home!