Zip Moving and Storage

The Fun Side of Moving

Maximize Savings: Self-Packing Benefits

Woman making packages for a move.
Reading time: 8 minutes

How do you pack and move by yourself? You’ve come to the right place if this question resonates with you. We’re here to offer you answers and straightforward solutions. Moving can be notoriously expensive, and keeping track of all the costs can be daunting. However, the good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. We will explore cost-saving alternatives in this blog, so keep reading to learn more!

Discover Cost-Saving Benefits of Self-Packing

Self-packing is an excellent way to cut down on moving costs and take control of your move. By packing your belongings yourself, you can avoid the high fees charged by some professional movers and ensure that your items are packed precisely how you want them. Furthermore, self-packing can save you a lot of money on your move.

Self packing cost saving

When you pack your own things, you don’t have to pay professional packers. You can also buy packing supplies on sale or in bulk, which is cheaper. Using your own items, like suitcases and towels, for packing can reduce the amount of packing materials you need to buy. 

Packing yourself means you can be extra careful with your belongings, reducing the chance of damage and saving money on repairs or replacements. You can also use fewer boxes, which lowers the cost if you’re charged for your move by volume or weight. You’ll also know exactly what’s in each box, so you won’t waste money replacing lost items. 

Finally, you avoid hidden fees that professionals might charge for extra materials or last-minute changes, giving you a clear idea of your total moving costs.

4 Easy Tips for Self-Packing During a Move

1. Get packing materials

First, gather your packing materials. Instead of buying boxes online, check out our amazing moving bundles made of the finest materials (special advice—they are currently discounted). Of course, you can find moving boxes online on sites like AliExpress and Amazon, but there is a vast difference in the quality and design of those boxes. 

However, boxes designed and crafted by a moving company with extensive experience stand out from most online options. Why? Our boxes are more robust, come in various sizes, and each one has a unique purpose and function. Additionally, we’ve designed kits so you don’t have to worry about how many boxes you need; simply refer to the size of your apartment or house. We have you covered, from a cozy studio apartment to a 3-bedroom home.

You can also check online marketplaces or ask friends and family for any packing materials they might have. Use your existing suitcases, totes, and laundry baskets for additional packing space. Don’t forget to get plenty of packing tape, bubble wrap, and packing paper to protect your items.

2. Declutter

Take the opportunity to declutter. Before you start packing, go through your belongings and decide what you need to take. Sell or donate items you no longer need, reducing the amount you have to pack and lowering your moving costs.

3. Pack smart

Pack smart! Use smaller boxes for heavy items like books and larger boxes for lighter items like pillows and blankets. Wrap fragile items carefully in bubble wrap or packing paper and fill any box gaps to prevent shifting during the move. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to – this will make unpacking much easier and faster.

4. Start on time

Finally, start packing well in advance of your move. Packing at the last minute can be stressful and lead to disorganized boxes. Begin with items you use least often and save everyday essentials for last. This way, you’ll have a clear and organized plan, making the moving process much smoother.

Woman packing for a move with boxes

Purchasing Packing Supplies vs. Hiring Professional Packers

When deciding between purchasing packing supplies and hiring professional packers, several factors should be considered. Purchasing packing supplies is often the more cost-effective option. It allows you to pack at your own pace and ensures that you have complete control over how your items are handled.

This approach can be particularly beneficial if you have delicate or valuable items that require special attention. Moreover, it gives you the flexibility to pack and organize items according to your system, making unpacking easier.

On the other hand, hiring professional packers offers significant convenience and efficiency, especially for large moves or if you need more time for different tasks. Professional packers are experienced in handling all types of items, from fragile glassware to bulky furniture, and they can often complete the job much faster than if you were to do it yourself. 

They also usually bring their packing supplies, saving you the hassle of purchasing materials and ensuring that everything is packed securely and professionally. Many professional packers offer insurance, providing peace of mind if any items are damaged during the move.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your specific needs, budget, and how much time and effort you are willing to invest in the packing process. If budget constraints are a significant consideration and you prefer to have control over the packing, buying your own supplies may be the best route. 

However, if convenience, time savings, and professional handling are your priorities, hiring professional packers might be the more suitable choice. Knowing this, choose your best option wisely. If you decide on a DIY move, contact us for a quality moving kit to make your packing and unpacking process much easier and faster.

How Long Should You Give Yourself To Pack?

Deciding how much time to allocate for packing largely depends on:

  • The size of your home
  • The number of belongings you have
  • Your personal packing pace


As a general guideline, giving yourself around 2-3 weeks to pack is reasonable for a typical two-bedroom house. This timeframe allows you to pack methodically without feeling rushed or overwhelmed. However, if you have a larger home or an extensive collection of items, you may need to extend this timeframe accordingly. 

If you’re moving from a smaller apartment or have minimal possessions, you might require less time, perhaps around 1-2 weeks. It’s essential to start packing as early as possible to avoid last-minute stress and ensure everything is properly organized and labeled for a smooth transition to your new home

Adjust the timeline based on your specific circumstances, but aim for balance by giving yourself enough time to pack thoroughly and avoiding excessive procrastination.

How To Avoid Self-Packing Pitfalls

When self-packing for a move, several potential pitfalls can arise. Here are some common issues and tips on how to avoid them:

Packing for a move with a sofa and boxes

Underestimating Time and Effort

  • Pitfall – Packing often takes longer than anticipated, leading to rushed and poorly packed items.
  • Solution – Start packing well in advance and create a packing schedule. Aim to pack a few boxes daily, beginning with items you use less frequently.

Insufficient Packing Supplies

  • Pitfall – Running out of boxes, tape, bubble wrap, or other materials can cause delays and poorly protected items.
  • Solution – Purchase more supplies than you think you’ll need. It’s better to have extra than to run out at a crucial moment.

Improper Packing Techniques

  • Pitfall – Items not packed correctly can break or get damaged during the move.
  • Solution: Learn proper packing techniques. Use sturdy boxes, carefully wrap fragile items with bubble wrap or packing paper, and fill empty spaces with packing peanuts or towels to prevent shifting.

Overpacking Boxes

  • Pitfall – Heavy or overpacked boxes can be challenging to move and may break.
  • Solution – Keep boxes under 50 pounds. Pack heavy items like books in small boxes and lighter items in larger ones.

Lack of Organization

  • Pitfall – Unlabeled or poorly organized boxes can make unpacking a nightmare.
  • Solution – Clearly label each box with its contents and the room in which it belongs. Consider using a color-coded system, numbering your boxes, and keeping an inventory list.

Not Packing an Essentials Box

  • Pitfall – Essential items may get buried in boxes, making the first night in your new home difficult.
  • Solution – Pack a box with essentials such as toiletries, medications, basic kitchen items, a change of clothes, and essential documents. Keep this box with you during the move.

Why Choose Zip Moving Kits?

We’ve thoughtfully designed our products to your needs, drawing on our extensive experience with all types of moves. We understand that moving is often costly and filled with unexpected expenses, so we’ve made it our mission to offer top-quality service and products at an affordable price. This way, you will get great moving supplies and be able to cut some costs. Simply put, you get the best of both worlds! 

We know you have countless details to manage during a move, and we aim to simplify the process. Your moving day kit will be ready and waiting at your designated address, making your move smoother and more efficient.

If you decide to pack and move on your own, following these self-packing tips, you can significantly reduce moving expenses while ensuring that your belongings are well-protected. With some planning and organization, you’ll make your move more efficient and cost-effective. 

Of course, you can always count on our help. Whether you want to order our moving kits, need our expert movers, or seek professional adviceZip is always here for you. Consider us your good neighbor, always eager to help and contribute in any way.

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